「双语」例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2023-4-18)

Wang Wenbin: China supports Chinese companies in cooperating with Afghanistan in line with market principles, and playing a constructive role in helping Afghanistan rebuild its economy and achieve self-generated and sustained development. As to the...

There is only one China in the world, said Zhang, adding that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. A total of...

Japan’s new administration is playing with fire and is very likely to get burned itself. 在就任首相之前,岸田从未向靖国神社供奉“真榊”,且在修宪、历史问题以及增加军备等方面与安倍晋三等自民党内保守势力保持一定的距离。如今,就任首相后,岸田就迅速表态将...

Play with fire真的是“玩火”吗? 玩火一般形容从事有巨大风险, 不理智的事情 英文中, play with fire 和中文意思差不多 play with fire 的意思是: to act in a way that is very dangerous and to take risk。 冒着风险从事危险的行为 例句: Dating the boss‘s daug...

【环球网报道 记者 李小飞】据韩联社11月1日消息,韩国著名造星公司YG娱乐1日表示,旗下新晋人气女团女团Black Pink当天凌晨推出的第二张单曲专辑《SQUARE TWO》反响热烈。截至当天上午8...

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